5 Must-Own Company Legality Documents

5 Must-Own Company Legality Documents

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Establishing an official company is certainly not an easy thing. Many things need to be prepared, one of which is legal documents. In Indonesia, businesses are required to have several company legal documents that must be owned. The purpose of having a legality document is to be able to expedite the business affairs of a company.

Regardless of the type and size of the company, every company must fulfill several administrative requirements in the form of important documents or permits so that the company can be registered as a legal business entity.

5 Must-Own Company Legality Documents

These are 5 legal documents that must be owned by a company.

  1. Business Establishment Deed (Akta Pendirian Usaha)

    The first company legality document that must be owned is the deed of business establishment. A deed of business establishment is a deed made by a notary which contains the identity and agreement of a party to establish a company with the articles of association and provides an explanation of the purpose of the company.

    Also read: Things to Consider When Starting a Business in Indonesia

  2. Certificate of Domicile (Surat Keterangan Domisili)

    Another company legality document that must be owned is a Certificate of Domicile. Where this document is the location identity and address of a company. Obtaining a domicile certificate depends on the requirements in that area, because the requirements may differ in other regions.
    Also read: What is Company Incorporation: Definition and Advantages
5 Must-Own Company Legality Documents
  1. Tax ID Number (Nomor Wajib Pajak)

    Every company or business entity that is established in Indonesia is required to have an NPWP that is registered in the Indonesian tax system. In addition, the company is also required to carry out tax obligations. (read more: what is NPWP Indonesia)

    Also read: PT vs PMA vs KPPA Company Indonesia, What’s The Difference?

  2. Business Identification Number (Nomor Induk Berusaha)

    A business Identification Number or NIB is a company legality document stating that the business has registered its business activities. You can get this number by registering through Online Single Submission or OSS provided that you already have a business establishment deed.
  1. Business License (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan)

    If the company is engaged in trade or service providers, the company’s legal documents must be owned. This letter is a permit issued by the local government to entrepreneurs. This company legality document is valid as long as the company carries out its business activities.

Also read: The Types of Companies in Indonesia: Complete Guide

If the company already has these legality documents, then the company can run its business more easily.

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