Indonesia’s Coal Industry: Outlook and Potential

Indonesia's Coal Industry

Indonesia’s coal industry is a significant player on the global stage. Here’s a deep dive into its current state, future prospects, and how you can navigate this dynamic sector.

Also read: Major Industries in Indonesia (Based on Contribution to GDP)

Indonesia Coal Industry Outlook

Indonesia's Coal Industry
Indonesia’s Coal Industry

Growth Potential

Indonesia boasts the world’s largest coal exporter, with production reaching record highs in 2023. This growth is propelled by factors such as:

  • Increased global demand: The Russia-Ukraine war and subsequent sanctions on Russian coal have created a gap that Indonesian coal is filling.
  • Vast coal reserves: Indonesia sits on a massive coal treasure chest, ensuring a long-term supply.

In terms of growth potential, Indonesia’s coal industry has shown remarkable progress. According to GlobalData, Indonesia secured its position as the world’s third-largest coal producer in 2022, witnessing a 3% increase in output compared to 2021. Over the five-year period leading up to 2021, Indonesia experienced a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7% in coal production. Looking ahead, projections suggest a continued upward trajectory, with an anticipated CAGR of 0.22% between 2022 and 2026.

Additionally, insights from Katadata indicate ambitious targets set by the Indonesian Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry. They aim for coal production to surge to 710 million tons by 2024. These figures underscore Indonesia’s significant role in meeting global coal demand and signal a promising outlook for further expansion in the industry.

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Despite its strengths, the industry faces challenges:

  • Environmental impact: Coal mining contributes to deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions. The government is under pressure to find a balance between economic benefits and environmental sustainability.
  • Dependence on exports: Indonesia relies heavily on exporting coal, making it vulnerable to fluctuations in global demand.

Government Support

The government recognizes the industry’s importance and aims to:

  • Promote clean coal technology: This could help minimize the environmental impact.
  • Diversify the economy: Reducing reliance on coal exports is a long-term goal.

Also read: Mining Industry in Indonesia: Outlook and Potential

Coal Business Opportunities in Indonesia

The industry offers opportunities beyond mining:

  • Coal transportation and logistics: The burgeoning export market creates a demand for efficient transportation infrastructure.
  • Coal-based technology and services: Innovations in clean coal technology or mine safety equipment present exciting possibilities.

Also read: 25 Profitable Business Ideas and Opportunities in Indonesia

Indonesia Coal Business Regulation

Here are some regulations for the coal business in Indonesia:

  • Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining (UU Minerba)
  • Government Regulation (PP) Number 96 of 2021
  • Decree No. 258.K/MB.01/MEM.B/2023

Also read: Indonesia Negative Investment List (DNI)

License for Coal Businesses in Indonesia

Indonesia's Coal Industry
Indonesia’s Coal Industry
  • Mining Business License (IUP): is a requirement for extractive activities for a specific mineral in a certain area, with the possibility of obtaining priority if other minerals are found, requiring a new license application.
  • Special Mining Business License (IUPK): is a permit for extraction in specific mining areas granted by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, often given to state or regional enterprises and also obtainable through auctions by private enterprises.

Leading Coal Companies in Indonesia

Major players in the Indonesian coal industry include:

  • PT Bumi Resources Tbk
  • PT Adaro Energy Tbk
  • PT Bayan Resources Tbk

Also read: Top 10 Coal Companies in Indonesia

How to Start a Coal Company in Indonesia

Starting a coal company requires careful planning and adherence to regulations. Here’s a simplified roadmap:

  • Conduct market research: Understand the industry dynamics and identify your niche.
  • Establish a legal entity: Partner with a local company and set up a business structure.
  • Obtain necessary licenses: Permits for exploration, mining, and environmental compliance are crucial.
  • Secure funding: Coal mining is capital-intensive, so explore financing options.

The Indonesian coal industry is a rapidly growing sector with a number of investment opportunities. If you are considering starting a coal business in Indonesia, there are a number of resources and support services available to help you get started.

InvestinAsia is among the companies that specialize in aiding you with Indonesia company registration. We boast a team of seasoned experts who can guide you throughout the process of:

If you are interested in starting a coal business in Indonesia, you can start by contacting us for FREE consultation.

FAQs about Coal Industry in Indonesia

Is Indonesia phasing out coal?

The government aims for a gradual transition towards renewable energy sources, but coal remains a significant player in the near future.

What are the environmental concerns with coal mining?

Deforestation, air and water pollution are major issues.

What are some initiatives to make the coal industry more sustainable?

There’s a push for cleaner technologies like coal gasification and carbon capture and storage. Additionally, mine reclamation efforts aim to restore mined land.

How does the coal industry impact local communities?

While it can create jobs and boost local economies, concerns exist regarding land displacement, health issues from pollution, and fair compensation for land use.

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